Bye Bye Miss Swiss Pie
This was a beautiful summertime. starting in switzerland crossing the ocean to canada, being part of the most wonderful fairy tale a girl can ever imagine, getting with delay in Buffalo to NYC, spending fun loving and great hours short days with Nina of toujours toi family affairs. landing safely back in switzerland, enjoying the swiss mountains, lake, and food lots of food, with sleep and some funny cleaning lady hours this all comes to an end and I go shortly to the train station with my cat as my luggage and my boyfriend as a trust and favorite travel friend back to amsterdam with the last train possible.
This was great thank you all for spending time with me.
Thank you sun for shining so many hours
Thank you moon for giving me some romantic moments.
This is it. Now finally going back to have my last last semester of studying in Amsterdam.
What a journey to attend.
Meditate and stay calm
with Merlin's Magic.